Tour Permits


Frequently asked questions:

Why a Tour Permit?

The single highest number of injuries and fatalities in the United States is caused by motor vehicle accidents.

A Tour Permit officially registers the activity as an official Scouting activity.  Insurance coverage only applies to official Scouting activities. Even if it is just a measly $1,200.00

Reinforces driver requirements and insurance requirements and encourages routine maintenance checks on vehicles prior to the trip. Be sure to have a cub scout with the mechanics merit badge check out the vehicle prior to the trip.

What is the purpose of Tour Permits?

Provide the Scout Executive with information regarding unit outings and trips - i.e. - a Tour Permit helps you know "what is going on."

Reinforces leader requirements, especially in regards to Youth Protection.

Can provide information necessary to locate a troop or post if an emergency arises and lets the council know point of contact when an emergency situation develops.

In summary Tour Permits reinforce planning, safety, and two-deep leadership.

Why is it important to file the Tour Permit two weeks in advance?

The two week (in advance) filing requirement helps ensure that trips are well planned. Many scout executives take long week-end breaks and like to leave on Thursdays. But not here in Southwest Georgia,  Our Scout Executives work 24/7  If you need to call them at 3am, go ahead and do it.

The large number of tour permits filed, late/rush filings cause delays for those who have filed promptly.

If there are concerns with a Tour Permit, the two week filing requirement allows time for correction avoiding cancellation of the trip.

What activities require a National Permit application?

For tours or trips 500 miles or over one way, a National Tour Permit application is required.

What activities require a Local Tour Permit application?

For tours and trips under 500 miles one way, the local council establishes the guidelines for when a tour permit is required.  Local Scout councils are aware of their geography and their need related to tour permits.

It is not necessary to require tour permits for all activities.  Doing so can cause the process to become meaningless with the Scout leaders no longer using the permit as a planning and safety tool and the local council unable to carefully review all permits received.

If you have any doubt, obtain a Tour Permit, fill it out and submit it to the council office.  It is just a good, safe practice that will protect you on your trip.

Local Tour Permit Application

Left click with your mouse on this link to open and view Tour Permit.  To save this blank Tour Permit, right click with your mouse on this link and save it to your hard drive.  Fill out this form and print it and mail it to your local council office.


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